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Army tasks troops on sensitivity to emerging threats, use of social media


Army tasks troops on sensitivity to emerging threats, use of social media

The Nigerian Army has tasked officers and troops on sensitivity to emerging threats within their operating environment and acceptable use of social media.

Maj.-Gen. Hassan Dada, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 82 Division, Nigerian Army, gave the task on Saturday while declaring open a Security Sensitisation Lecture for Officers and Soldiers at the Headquarters 82 Division, Enugu.

Dada said that the lecture was aimed at educating the troops on emergent security issues, threats and how best army personnel could respond to them.

He said that it was expedient to brainstorm from time to time and to share updates on emerging security threats and strategies to counter such threats.

The GOC further emphasised the Nigerian Army’s commitment to training of personnel to improve operational effectiveness in line with international best practices.

He added that the significant successes recorded by the Division would be attributable to adequate training.

The GOC also advised troops to be vigilant in observing and identifying security threats in their respective areas of responsibility/operation and promptly responsive to such threats.

This, he said, would proactively prevent security breaches.

Dada commended the Chief of Military Intelligence (Army), Maj.- Gen. Thompson Ugiagbe, for dedicating time to deliver the lecture to officers and troops of the Division.

Delivering the lecture, Maj.- Gen. Ugiagbe clarified that the sensitisation lecture became necessary considering some significant international and national developments in contemporary security threats.

He stressed the need for troops to be loyal, disciplined and ensures personnel, material and information security, adding: “If compromised, could jeopardize national security”.

The Chief of Military Intelligence charged the officers and soldiers to show a high level of discipline and professionalism in their daily operational tasks and engagements.

He further noted that the Nigerian Army had a sacred obligation to ensure that personnel perform their duties within the ambit of the law.

“To this end, all personnel must take security awareness seriously,” he said.

Ugiagbe also stressed on the need for compliance with extant regulations for acceptable use of Social Media in order not to run contrary to the provisions of the Armed Forces Policy on Abuse of Social Media.

High points of the lecture were interactive session as well as questions and answer sessions between officers/troops and the special lecturer, the Chief of Military Intelligence (Army).

Credit :NAN

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