
Hon. Chimaobi Sam Atu Takes the Lead in the Green Chambers

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by Engr. Samuel Kanayochukwu Ugwu

Among the assemblies since 1999, this tenth assembly is the most commendable. Just as before, Nigeria has 109 members of the House of Senate and 360 members of the House of Representatives, both referred to as State General or the Parliament.

The House of Representatives has the power to approve the national budget and process legislation. They also have the power to make laws and scrutinize the work of the government.

The Parliament jointly has the right to approve or reject the government’s budget. Additionally, they have the right to inquire and question the state’s cabinet. The duo has the right to propose motions, amend bills, and initiate bills. The government is obliged to provide both chambers with the necessary information to enable the Parliament to scrutinize the work of the government properly. This obligation is laid down in the Constitution. The Constitution also attributes a set of specific rights to the state to enable them to execute their tasks properly.

Being acquainted with these rudiments, Hon. Chimaobi Sam Atu meant business. As a member of this tenth assembly, he, from his first appearance, presented a bill about the unattended path for commuters plying the Ugwu Onyeama road network on the hills. And the rest became history.

On the 5th of October, 2023, the City Rep presented a bill for the establishment of the Federal College of Entrepreneurship and Skills Acquisition Bill 2023. It is poised at raising Nigerians in the field to become global CEOs with the present global trends and change Nigeria from a country that imports daily needs from abroad to a country that shall export its commodities, feed itself, and train foreigners in indigenous inventions. Hon. Atu started by training 160 young secondary school leavers in the production of allied chemical products between 14th – 18th May 2024, at PPSMB hall in Enugu State. Today, there are 160 CEOs employing workers and also training other young entrepreneurs; both the CEOs and their apprentices are below 20 years old. The target is to inculcate the spirit of productivity from a tender age, being a weapon to combat criminality.

Moreover, on the 19th of October, 2023, Hon. Chimaobi Atu presented a bill for an act to provide for the establishment of the Erosion Control Prevention Commission, Enugu, 2023. This bill is to salvage the road networks in the state, as the natural phenomenon eats up more than 50% of existing roads, making every government spend more on constructing these roads already destroyed by erosion. A problem that would have been taken care of if there was an erosion prevention commission in the state. With the establishment of the commission, according to Hon. Atu’s bills, millions of US Dollars will be saved, as well as lives and transits that ply these roads daily.

Furthermore, on the 1st of November, 2023, the City Light Rep presented a bill for an act to amend the Mineral and Mining Act, CAP M121FN. This bill, when amended, would encourage indigenous and foreign investors to choose Enugu State as a safe haven, with laws that protect their investments. It will also attract security agencies to the sites to control illegal mining, which often ends up being traced to some big players in the state. These natural resource deposits are of national interest and should be shared judiciously. With this bill, sophisticated equipment will be imported into Enugu State (owned by indigenous investors, government ministries, and foreign entities) which will absorb a greater percentage of the unemployed youth, giving them practical experience. This bill will help the industry meet the technology and management standards that are trending currently.

Hon. Chimaobi Sam Atu, on the 7th of November, 2023, presented a bill for the establishment of the Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery, Ugwuaji, Enugu. This would be the first in the region, with objectives to eradicate high antenatal and postnatal deaths and to save the Nigerian child from epidemics ravaging rural areas. This bill will also retain the few health professionals who abandon Nigeria for greener pastures abroad.

It is worth noting that Hon. Chimaobi Sam Atu has made 15 bills and still counting, all for the benefit of Ndi Enugu State. As we are carefully taking records of participation in the tenth assembly by the legislators, I am hopeful that, with the likes of Hon. Atu in the Green Chambers, Nigeria will soon regain her economic status globally.

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