
NANS Zone F: A Call to Halt the Propagation of Falsehoods and Ensuing Chaos at ESUT

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-Sebastine Bookastro.

In recent days, the air has been thick with tension as NANS Zone F, an entity purporting to represent the interests of students, has been making alarming claims and issuing ultimatums regarding Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT). It is imperative that a warning be sounded, cautioning against the peddling of lies and the ensuing chaos they are inadvertently fostering. It is evident that NANS Zone F lacks the necessary legal, administrative, and political capacity to issue and enforce ultimatums within the realm of ESUT.

Central to this concern is NANS Zone F’s disregard for the three fundamental principles that the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) upholds: Consultation, Consolidation, and Confrontation. The very foundation of responsible and constructive advocacy, these principles have been cast aside by NANS Zone F in their recent actions. Their failure to adhere to these principles is blatant, as they have veered directly into confrontation without adequately consulting or consolidating their position. This departure from the values that NANS embodies raises the question of ulterior motives behind their actions.

Furthermore, their ill-advised confrontation is worrisome for the detrimental implications it holds for ESUT’s harmonious and progressive environment. The absence of proper consultation and consolidation lends credence to the suspicion that external forces may be manipulating NANS Zone F, using them as pawns to disrupt the commendable efforts of ESUT’s management. This ploy threatens the good the management, led by Prof. Michaels Okolie, has been diligently working towards.

NANS Zone F must recognize the grave consequences of their actions as instruments of disruption. The allegations they have raised have not gone unnoticed or unaddressed by ESUT’s management. Prof. Michaels Okolie and his team have displayed a strong commitment to transparency, addressing concerns systematically and effectively. The allegations, which NANS Zone F have sensationalized, only serve to undermine the well-established efforts to maintain the harmony and excellence ESUT is known for.

As responsible stakeholders in the ESUT community, it is our collective responsibility to stand against the propagation of lies and the creation of chaos. NANS Zone F must heed the call to rectify their approach by aligning with the values that NANS upholds. Consultation, consolidation, and confrontation should be undertaken in the right sequence, with due consideration to ESUT’s best interests. It is time to refocus on collaboration, rather than confrontation, to ensure a brighter and prosperous future for ESUT and its students.

In conclusion, the warning is clear: NANS Zone F must cease and desist from their disruptive tactics and false narratives. They must redirect their energy towards meaningful consultation and consolidation before any confrontation is even considered. ESUT’s progress and reputation should not be compromised by unfounded claims and chaotic actions. Let us stand united against the peddling of lies and work together for the betterment of ESUT’s educational environment.

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